
We have designed three agreements that we require all members of our learning community to acknowledge and to uphold. Our agreements are rooted in three rules or key values:

-Respect -Responsibility -Privilege

We present these three goals as our key values and the norms of basic operating procedures at Bridges High School for students, staff and parents. In addition to our school norms, there are specific expectations for student conduct from the Roaring Fork School District (RFSD). Bridges High School complies with all RFSD Board policies, including the Student Code of Conduct with its specific procedures and consequences, and the procedures and policies related to issues of truancy. All other established individual interventions, classroom rules, school rules, building rules, city, county and state regulations, statues and laws must also be obeyed. A core expectation for ALL Bridges High School students is that they will register as full-time students with a commitment to attend school 24 hours each week and complete a minimum of 60 credits per school year.